Should I stage my home when I sell it on the Gold Coast?

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Should I stage my home when I sell it on the Gold Coast in Queensland?

The short answer is yes, the benefits of home staging are, that you could sell your home faster, get a higher asking price, make a good first impression, attract more buyers, highlight your home’s best features, it also depersonalises your home and makes it more neutral; let’s see how and why:

What is Home Staging?

Home staging is the process of preparing your home for sale to make it as attractive as possible to potential buyers. It involves tidying up, cleaning and making minor repairs and updates. Home staging aims to create a warm and inviting space that buyers can imagine themselves living in.

The Benefits of Home Staging

The benefits of home staging are many. Here are just a few to get you started:

  • Sell Your Home Faster: Staged homes tend to sell faster than unstaged homes. A 2021 survey of 4,600 properties in the U.S. has shown that 73% of staged homes sell an average of 9 days faster than unstaged homes.
  • Get a Higher Asking Price: In addition to a fast sale, the same study showed that staged homes also sell for an average of 7.1% more than unstaged homes. This is because buyers are more willing to pay a premium for a home that is well-presented and looks ready to move into.
  • Make a Good First Impression: Buyers often form an opinion about a home within the first few seconds of seeing it. Home staging helps to make a good first impression on potential buyers by showing them that your home is well-maintained and ready to move into.
  • Attract More Buyers: Staged homes are more attractive to potential buyers, so they naturally attract more buyers to view your home through your marketing photos. This gives you a better chance of selling your home quickly and for a good price.
  • Highlight Your Home’s Best Features: Staging can help you highlight your home’s best features and make it more appealing to potential buyers.
  • Depersonalises Your Home and Makes it More Neutral: Staging can help you depersonalise your home and make it more neutral, which in turn makes it easier for potential buyers to visualise themselves living in the space.

I’m confident that I can get your Gold Coast property sold for the Best Possible Price. Let’s meet over coffee and I’ll show you how. So you searched for Independent Real Estate Agents Gold Coast, together we can achieve the Best Possible Price and get you sold.

How to Stage your Home

If you’re thinking about staging your home, there are a few things you can do to get started:

  • Declutter. Remove all personal items such as family photos, religious symbols and political memorabilia. Buyers want to be able to imagine themselves living in your home, so it’s important to remove any personal items that might distract them.
  • Clean. Your home should be clean and tidy when you’re putting it on the market. This means a thorough deep clean of all rooms, including the kitchen and bathrooms.
  • Make Minor Repairs. Repair any broken or damaged items in your home. This includes things like leaky taps, cracked tiles and holes in the walls.
  • Update Your Home. Make some minor updates to your home to make it more attractive to buyers. This could include painting the walls, adding new hardware to the kitchen cabinets or updating the light fixtures.
  • Accessorise. Add some finishing touches to your home, such as fresh flowers, throw pillows and blankets. This will help make your home feel warm and inviting.
  • Lighting. Open blinds and curtains; turn on lamps that use warm-coloured bulbs (approximately 3000 kelvin) to help set the mood of your home.
  • Use Neutral Colours. Neutral colours are more appealing to a wider range of buyers, so it’s best to use them when staging your home. Avoid using bold or bright colours as they may put some buyers off.
  • Stage Your Outdoor Space. Your outdoor space is just as important as your indoor space when it comes to staging your home. Make sure your lawn is always mowed, your plants are trimmed and your patio or deck is clean and inviting.
  • Create Focal Points. Every room should have a focal point, such as a fireplace, artwork or television. This will help draw the buyer’s eye and make the room look more appealing.
  • Make Your Home Smell Good. A fresh, inviting scent can make a big difference to a buyer’s perception of your home. Bake cookies or use a pleasant scented diffuser before showing.

Let’s chat over a coffee about the process of selling your home and how it all begins. You’ve found yourself here searching for Independent Real Estate Agents Gold Coast, let’s chat: Craig Douglas, your local independent Gold Coast Real Estate Agent 0418 189 963

Hire a Home Stager

If you don’t have the know-how, time or energy to stage your home yourself, you can hire a professional home stager, such as Foxy Home Staging and no, I’m not affiliated with them, just take a look at their 5-star reviews. Home stagers have the experience and expertise to stage your home in a way that will appeal to potential buyers.

The Bottom Line

Staging your home can be a lot of work, but it can be worth it in the end. Staging your home is a great way to increase your chances of selling it quickly and for a higher price. If you’re not sure how to stage your home yourself, you can hire a professional stager. I am also available to provide valuable advice and assistance throughout the home-selling process for my clients.

Independent Real Estate Agents Gold Coast

If you’re looking for independent real estate agents on the Gold Coast, I work for Canford Estate Agents, we specialise in residential property sales, commercial property sales and property development amalgamations.

Additional Tips for Selling Your Home

Here are some additional tips for selling your home:

  • Price Your Home Competitively. One of the most important things you can do when selling your home is to price it competitively. If you price your home too high, it will sit on the market and you may have to lower the price later. If you price your home too low, you could be leaving money on the table.
  • Market Your Home Effectively. Once you have priced your home competitively, you need to market it effectively. This means listing your home on all the major property websites and advertising it in local newspapers and magazines. You should also hold open days and invite potential buyers to view your home.
  • Be Flexible. Once you start receiving offers, be prepared to negotiate. You may not get the asking price for your home, but you should be prepared to negotiate to achieve the best possible price the market is prepared to pay.

So you have searched for “Independent Real Estate Agents Gold Coast” and now you know about the benefits of staging your home when selling it. If you are considering selling your property, give me a call, let’s have a coffee and discuss, how together we can achieve the best possible price and get your property SOLD.

Author – Craig Douglas

Please Note: The information contained in this document is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The laws and regulations governing the sale of property in Queensland are complex and constantly changing. It is important to seek the advice of a qualified property lawyer or conveyancer before making any decisions about the sale of your property. This document does not take into account your individual circumstances and may not apply to your situation. By reading this document you agree that you have not relied on the information contained herein and that you will seek independent legal advice before taking any action.

Phone Now, Let’s Get You SOLD.
Craig Douglas, Your Local Gold Coast Real Estate Agent: 0418 189 963

I’m a real estate agent who is here to make the selling process as easy and stress-free as possible. So you searched for Independent Real Estate Agents Gold Coast, let’s chat over coffee and discuss how I can help.

Together we can get your property SOLD for the Best possible Price.

So you searched for Independent Real Estate Agents Gold Coast?
Let’s chat over a coffee to get you from thinking about, to selling, to you are SOLD! Craig Douglas, Your Local Gold Coast Real Estate Agent: 0418 189 963

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Craig Douglas Gold Coast Real Estate Agent 0418 189 963
Craig Douglas 0418 189 963, Real Estate Agent at Canford Estate Agents, Your Local Independant Gold Coast Real Estate Agents.

Would you be free for a brief chat over coffee? I know that selling your Gold Coast property can be a daunting task, but I’m here to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. So you searched for Independent Real Estate Agents Gold Coast and you’ve found yourself here, let’s chat…

Together we can get your property SOLD for the Best possible Price.

No pressure, No obligation,
I’m not your usual Agent.

Let’s get you Selling

Craig Douglas 0418 189 963

You can find me at Canford Estate Agents


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This page was proudly created by Craig Douglas, your local independent Gold Coast real estate agent, working for Canford Estate Agents. Selling residential and commercial properties, from those that are awe-inspiring, through to a diamond-in-the-rough, otherwise known as a “renovator’s delight”.

I negotiate and sell on behalf of property owners who want to get the best possible price, with the least amount of hassle. Let’s talk about the process of selling your property over a coffee to get you started – 0418 189 963